成果概况:近5年,以第一/通讯作者在Journal of Hydrology, Soil & Tillage Research、 Catena, Land Degradation & Development, Journal of Environmental Management, Science of The Total Environment,《农业工程学报》等国内外著名学术期刊发表论文58篇(代表作见附录),出版著作4部,参编/审定标准(规范)6部,授权专利21项。获省部级科学技术三等奖1项,贵州省水利科技二、三等奖各1项。
lir_2025 (微信)
Jing J, Li R*(李瑞), Xiong L, Tang Z. Binary response of runoff generation and erosion processes to karst vegetation-soil-rock structure and its hydrodynamic mechanisms. Journal of Hydrology 647 (2025) 132319(中科院1区TOP)
Li R*(李瑞), Jing J, Xiong L, Tang Z. Effects of karst vegetation-soil-rock composite structure on soil and water flow/leakage processes and driving factors at the micro-plot scale. Soil & Tillage Research 247 (2025) 106370(中科院1区TOP)
Xiao L, Yu B, Li R*(李瑞), Wu P, Cai F. Defining watershed-scale sediment delivery ratio using functional connectivity: Exploring the relationship between monthly-scale sediment delivery ratio and soil erosion - A case study from a karst watershed. Catena 246 (2024) 108443(中科院1区TOP)
Tang Z & Li R*(李瑞). Small watersheds are the best control and management unit for improving soil conservation services in karst areas. Science of the Total Environment 953 (2024) 176162(中科院1区TOP)
Jing J, Li R*(李瑞), Xiao L, Shu D, Yang P. Interpreting and modelling the daily extreme sediment events in karst mountain watersheds. Science of the Total Environment 926 (2024) 171956(中科院1区TOP)
Xiao L, Li R*(李瑞), Jing Jun, Yuan Jiang, Tang Zhengyi. Suspended sediment dynamics and linking with watershed surface characteristics in a karst region[J]. Journal of Hydrology 630 (2024) 130719. (中科院1区TOP)
Yang P, Li R*(李瑞), Gu Z, Qin L, Song T, Liu Z, Gao J, Yuan J. Runoff sediment characteristics affected by erosive rainfall patterns in a small watershed in karst areas of southwest China[J]. Catena 219 (2022) 106591(中科院1区TOP)
Jing J, Yuan J, Li R⁎(李瑞), Gu Z, Qin L, Gao J, Xiao L, Tang Z, Xiong L. Rainstorm sediment events in heterogeneous karst small watersheds: Process characteristics, prediction modeling and management enlightenment[J]. Science of the Total Environment 875(2023) 162679(中科院1区TOP)
Yang P, Li R*(李瑞), Pan L. Effects of bed roughness on a horseshoe vortex in overland water flowing past a cylinder, Journal of Hydrology 606(2022)12385(中科院1区TOP)
Li R*(李瑞), Gao J, He M, Jing J, Xiong L, Chen M, Zhao L. Effect of rock exposure on runoff and sediment on karst slopes under erosive rainfall conditions. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 50 (2023) 101525(中科院2区)
Xiong L & Li R*(李瑞). Assessing and decoupling ecosystem services evolution in karst areas: A multi-model approach to support land management decision-making[J]. Journal of Environmental Management 350 (2024) 119632(中科院2区TOP)
Gao J, Li R*(李瑞), Shu D, Wu Q, Xiao L, He M. Effects of rainfall, sediment source–sink landscape, and hydrological connectivity on runoff more than sediment in a karst basin[J]. Land Degradation & Development, 2024, 35(5), 1748–1762(中科院2区)
Yuan Q & Li R*(李瑞). The negative impacts of human activities on the ecological corridor in the karst highly urbanized area are gradually diminishing: A case study from the karst mountain cities in Southwest China [J]. Ecological Indicators 157 (2023) 111257(中科院2区TOP)
Jing J, Li R*(李瑞), Zhang Y & Wu Q. Identification of priority areas for soil erosion control based on minimum administrative units and karst landforms in karst areas of Guizhou [J]. Progress in Physical Geography, 2023, 47(6): 892–911(中科院2区)
Zhang Y, Li R*(李瑞), Jing J. Soil erosion gradient and quantitative attribution in southwest China based on karst development degree[J]. Ecological Indicators 144 (2022) 109496(中科院2区TOP)
Yuan J, Li R*(李瑞), Huang K. Driving factors of the variation of ecosystem service and the trade-off and synergistic relationships in typical karst basin[J]. Ecological Indicators 142 (2022) 109253(中科院2区TOP)